

Fragments of previous music that have become recognizable by a vast amount of people are potential sample-able pieces of sound. They have created an ideal and an attitude of their own that you can re-appropriate to give them new meanings and messages.


I am attracted to his stuff because he is sampling from a source that is not only not-so-used by is from credible sources such as scientists and activists. Renewing their messages to apply them to a new message that could be related of strengthened by its use.

Senius the collective aspect of the genius. The intelligence of the one prodigy is becoming less in the spotlight and it is more about the collective people and the genius that comes from the interaction of many and the intermixing of the old and the new. Something that in my own studies, art, and design is very apparent and often visited.

Taking old meanings and making exceptions or extensions...building breaking down and rebuilding. Trying to solve the puzzle.

RUH RUH Reeeeemiiiix


Sound Proposal

Nutrition can make or break us.

You are what you eat. You can be a hero, but if you eat like crap... you'll start to decompose.

I plan on taking the Vlasic approach, the sound of freshness.

A particular attempt towards the idea of the Snack.

Fruits and vegetables can have a sound, in which some people may look forward to.

It may also have a pop, such as a grape

Apples, grapes, celery, carrots, slurpin watermelon, pickles, nuts, popcorn, corn on the cob, broccoli, bell peppers, etc...

On the other hand, some fast foods that we may have come accustomed to have a less attractive spongy bite...

McDonalds fries, burgers, nuggets, etc...

Presented in a personable webcam approach, i will be depicted enjoying the fresh sounds or disappointed in the limp fastfoods...

The interaction will be the viewers choice of the food and possibly building this collection of sounds into rhythms....



What oh what what what....

Getting individuals involved is key. The importance of the individual in a growing generalizable society always needs reinforced. People like to feel included, that they are a part of something bigger, no matter how much bigger or not so bigger.

With our project, dealing with large scale concerns seemed to strike interest in quite a number of people
In the other groups project, the idea of thrill and the brotherhood of those who went through it attracted people.

People like to get involved if it entails some relief to their busy lives. The acknowledgement of everyone's need for a break makes them appreciate what is being done. Be it a laugh or a small fun-loving scare, interaction is what we are.

Interactive media is a media that links us, the more common the ground, the wider the span of people is that find it. The more focused the subject matter, the smaller span, but the more deeply enthused patrons show up.

I find that including the most amount of people, includes the most amount of lives. A good deed on a small level could be reminisced by everyone

Time for some Campaignin!




Had a blast, theres a snowball effect starting.

I may have told everyone in the class, but if not...

Congressman Steve Cohen came into Fresh Slices where I wait tables on Saturday. I courteously told him about our project on his way out. He seems somewhat "lightbulb-ish" and told me he used to be on the Board and that he would have to give Jeff a call... Where ever he is, the press is going to be

What. What?



Make It Bigger!

My Stomach Hurts... those vitamin water energies did it i think....

Well a more aesthetically pleasing and directional midterm was realized. I like the blue rather than the red.
Its a hot zone, so get familiar...

I really liked the look of my video piece so i developed something around it...the western wanted poster with some addons works for me...








I feel rather comfortable with the finessing of the projects and the presentation of the video exercise...

I can see a pattern in my own works, not a planned one surely...

I started with the beginning, then an exercise concerning the person (or learning the self), then an exercise mixing chemicals (or learning to create), and then the final exercise is somewhat of a middleeast interface... Somewhat stabbing at what our shenannigans have gotten us up to and the standstill we are "muddling" through...

Kind of a long shot...but I can make the connections


Balls to the Wall

Well...short of a hit test on a path I think I have it by George.

Recent personal interest in CNN... of course comes the Election campaigns and onto foreign policy.

Somewhat of a Database interface, hacker access process i suppose.

The format can go into a million different varieties such as profiles or information design.

Quite some loops of code. Threw in an imbedded video file to jump the gun a little bit.

Tried to have a few different things going on at once.

Im starvin



The user drags things to mix them up, to have them combine or interact in a way that creates a result.

I believe I'm catching a drift of what the if/else statements are all about. When time is available and set aside, this stuff can actually be pretty entertaining.

I believe i can do more elaborations with this one such as the " || " command and etc....

Of course we're never done.


Cursor changed up a little bit
Distinct Color Changes along with some of the buttons.
Motion path exectuted.
All contained on one frame.
Moved the buttons around to have more of a progression.